You have all heard about the company named as Whole Foods. This company offers wide range of healthy foods and as a result of that earns a lot of money because people believe that all their products are healthy. However, it is simply not true as the canola oil used on their in-house foods is not as healthy as it is believed so.
Whole Foods took part in the promotion of the GMO- Dark Act, but only used as a measure to cover up the real story.

In July, the Vermonters’ GMO labeling was introduced and became legalized, however it does not carry out the barcode system, therefore it lacks genuine force and effectiveness which may even pass the GMO foods. So, the canola oils used in the in-house prepared foods of Whole Foods is GMO.
Canola oil does not come from canola seed or plant as such thing does not exist in nature, in fact canola oil is a product of the rapeseed plant seed that produces a great amount of oil. This oil is used only for industrial purposes; therefore it is not proper oil for human consumption.
It has in its content erucic acid which can lead to fatty deposits in the muscles of the heart of humans and animals. Nowadays, this is not an issue anymore because it has been removed from the current plant seed versions as a result of hybrid breeding.
Canola oil poses threat to the health due to its processing as80 to 90% of Canola comes from rapeseed seeds treated with Roundup Ready, which is a heavy glyphosate pesticide. Therefore, lots of foods which have in their content canola oil are actually GMO.
Furthermore, it is partially hydrogenated and treated with high heat in order to have a longer shelf-life. But, this fact is not labeled on the packages, because the FDA allows processed food manufacturers to label it as “no trans-fats”. Additionally, they maintain that a 5 gr. of trans fats per serving equals 0 gr.
As if this is not enough, this oil is also being chemically deodorized with bleaching and hexane during the high heating process. All oils that are highly processed are inflammatory like in the case with canola oil.
Additional Information
The name canola stands for Canadian Oil as Canada has plenty of rapeseed plants and for the farmers to be stimulated to grow them the Canadian government renamed them. In fact, CAN stands for Canada and OLA for factors of the oil and the low level of erucic acid.
Even though the oil was tested on animals and the results were far from good, in fact horrible, the Canadian government and the Canola Industry paid 50 million dollars to the FBA to grant the status GRAS to this oil.
Therefore, avoid all products containing canola oil and use health beneficial cold pressed oils. Instead canola oil use cold pressed oils like olive oil, coconut oil, flax seed, or avocado oil as they are safe for use.
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