This 3-Day Exercise Plan Eliminates Belly Fat Fast

Very often, people tend to confuse the terms ‘core’ and ‘abs’. The core includes the hips, lower back muscles, glutes, and the abs. Training the core prevents injuries, betters the athletic performance, improves the posture, and alleviates pain in the lower back. Below, you have an exercise plan which is excellent against belly fat.

How to Melt Belly Fat Exercise Plan

Day 1

You need to do the following exercises:
Skyscrapers-ten per side
Windshield wipers-ten per side
Army crawls- thirty-six steps

Day 2

On this day, you need to make 4 moves. If you want to and if you can, repeat the set one more time. You need to do the following exercises:
Break dancer- fifteen per side
Skydiver- maintain the position for 30 seconds
Dead bug- ten repetitions
Thread the needle-ten per side

Day 3

On this day, you need to perform 4 exercises in a six-minute circuit. Here are the exercises:
Crab-kicks into superman-ten per side
Star-leg-raise- ten per side
Side V ups- ten per side
Under/over- ten per side
Fourni par Blogger.
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