As we all know, the most diseases people suffer from are caused by the food we eat, therfore, we need to pay attention on our diet. For instance, meat products should be avoided as much as possible since they are filled with nitrates and are extremely salty and smoked.
In order to reduce the risk of stomach cancer occurrence, we need to eliminate mead products such as smoked ham, sausages, bacon and many others.
According to a group of scientists from the cancer research institute of Sweden, frequent consumption of smoked bacon, ham, prosciutto, sausages and other meat products are damaging the overall human health and put humans at high risk.
Moreover, the scientists claim that all these products are very harmful and they are increasing the risk stomach cancer.
This study was conducted on 4,704 participants for 4 years.
According to the final analyses of the study, frequent consumption of the abovementioned meat products increase the risk of stomach cancer from 15 up to 38%.
The reason why they increase the riks of cancer is due to the fact that they are filled with nitrates, they are too salty and smoked and this combination is the main reason for cancer occurance. The Scandinavian research team claims that stomach cancer is the fourth most frequent disease.