3 Natural Mouthwashes to Remove Painful Canker Sores

Also referred to as mouth ulcers, canker sores can show up almost anywhere in your mouth. The most popular place you’ll find them is on your tongue, but also be wary of them showing up around your mouth, even in places where you can’t see them!

What Causes a Canker Sore?

There are a number of reasons why canker sores can show up in your mouth. For example, stress, as well as nutritional deficiencies, tongue biting, bacteria, and highly acidic or salty foods are all common causes. No matter the reason, or the volume, you can expect a very powerful surge of pain throughout your mouth.

Most canker sores will heal themselves after about a week, but if the pain is unbearable, try these three natural mouthwashes that get rid of canker sores and also make your breath smell great!

1. Grapefruit Extract

Although biting into a grapefruit could be potentially painful, there are healing properties within grapefruit seed extract. The sour power of a grapefruit will outmuscle bacterial infections almost every time.

Dab the grapefruit seed extract directly on the canker sore multiple times a day. You can also add the extract to a glass of water and swish it around your mouth so it reaches all the infected areas.

2. Rinse With Echinacea

Rinsing with Echinacea allows for active constituents to boost your immune system, which in turn helps the healing process. With Echinacea you can be pain free in just a few days.

Add a drop or two of Echinacea to a glass of filtered water. Rinse with this mixture two to three times a day; always make sure you spit the liquid out.

3. Tea Tree Oil and Water

Create a mouthwash made out of tea tree oil and filtered water. Tea trees possess antiseptic oil with qualities that help the healing process. Add a few drops of the oil to a cup of filtered water. Uses a tea tree oil product that contains 15% or less of cineole so you don’t irritate your skin. Rinse your mouth out with this mixture a few times a day for the best results.

Next time you find yourself with a canker sore, remember these canker sore treatments. Don’t let canker sores hold you back from enjoying a good meal or beverage!

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